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Philippines Science News API

Get the live top science headlines from Philippines with our JSON API.

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API Demonstration

This example demonstrates the HTTP request to make and the JSON response you will receive when you use the news api to get the top headlines from Philippines.

    "totalArticles": 11209,
    "articles": [
            "title": "Synthetic Diamonds Made In Minutes Not Days Could Upend Gemstone Economics",
            "description": "The new low-pressure method could drastically cut the cost of producing synthetic diamonds.",
            "content": "A new method for making diamonds bypasses the high temperatures and pressures, opening the door to making them at a fraction of the existing cost. The world of fine crystal control called The Diamond Age in science fiction may be closer than we think... [4003 chars]",
            "url": "https://www.iflscience.com/synthetic-diamonds-made-in-minutes-not-days-could-upend-gemstone-economics-73965",
            "image": "https://assets.iflscience.com/assets/articleNo/73965/aImg/75842/nanodiamonds-meta.png",
            "publishedAt": "2024-04-26T12:04:47Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "IFLScience",
                "url": "https://www.iflscience.com"
            "title": "Argentine scientists find speedy 90-million-year-old herbivore dinosaur",
            "description": "BUENOS AIRES, April 26 — Palaeontologists from Argentina announced the discovery of a new medium-sized herbivorous dinosaur, which was a fast runner and lived about 90 million...",
            "content": "BUENOS AIRES, April 26 — Palaeontologists from Argentina announced the discovery of a new medium-sized herbivorous dinosaur, which was a fast runner and lived about 90 million years ago in the Late Cretaceous period in present day Patagonia.\nThe anim... [2030 chars]",
            "url": "https://www.malaymail.com/news/life/2024/04/26/argentine-scientists-find-speedy-90-million-year-old-herbivore-dinosaur/130902",
            "image": "https://www.malaymail.com/malaymail/uploads/images/2024/04/26/thumbs/400x400/205102.jpg",
            "publishedAt": "2024-04-26T00:03:55Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "Malay Mail",
                "url": "https://www.malaymail.com"
            "title": "How do birds flock together? Scientists reveal their aerodynamic secrets",
            "description": "Have you ever watched a group of birds flying in a perfect V-shaped formation? Scientists may finally know how birds move like this without crashing.",
            "content": "NEW YORK — Have you ever watched a group of birds flying in a perfect V-shaped formation through the sky? They say, “Birds of a feather flock together,” but how the heck do they know how to do all this flocking and togetherness with such precision? S... [3601 chars]",
            "url": "https://studyfinds.org/how-do-birds-flock-together/",
            "image": "https://studyfinds.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/flock-of-birds.jpg",
            "publishedAt": "2024-04-25T21:47:23Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "Study Finds",
                "url": "https://studyfinds.org"
