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Pakistan World News API

Get the live top world headlines from Pakistan with our JSON API.

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API Demonstration

This example demonstrates the HTTP request to make and the JSON response you will receive when you use the news api to get the top headlines from Pakistan.

    "totalArticles": 67579,
    "articles": [
            "title": "Typhoon Gaemi batters China after devastating Taiwan and the Philippines",
            "description": "Typhoon leaves trail of destruction across Asia, heads towards Jiangxi province",
            "content": "Waves crash on the coast of Sansha town as Typhoon Gaemi approaches, in Ningde, Fujian province, China on July 25, 2024. Photo Reuters\nTyphoon Gaemi struck China's coastal Fujian province on Friday, bringing heavy rains and strong winds, making it th... [2261 chars]",
            "url": "https://tribune.com.pk/story/2483228/typhoon-gaemi-batters-china-after-devastating-taiwan-and-the-philippines",
            "image": "https://i.tribune.com.pk/media/images/China-Typhoon1722027545-0/China-Typhoon1722027545-0.jpeg",
            "publishedAt": "2024-07-26T21:02:16Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "The Express Tribune",
                "url": "https://tribune.com.pk"
            "title": "Karachi ranked ‘second riskiest’ city for tourists: report",
            "description": "Obtains rating of 93.12 out of 100 on risk scale by Forbes Adviser.",
            "content": "Karachi has been ranked as the second riskiest city for tourists with a rating of 93.12 out of 100, it emerged on Friday.\nAccording to a July 11 Forbes Adviser list of three of the riskiest cities, Karachi was second just behind Venezuela’s Caracas, ... [1192 chars]",
            "url": "https://www.dawn.com/news/1848152",
            "image": "https://i.dawn.com/large/2024/07/26174038c59e53a.jpg?r=174101",
            "publishedAt": "2024-07-26T16:07:28Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "DAWN.com",
                "url": "https://www.dawn.com"
            "title": "Kamala Harris still needs to define herself - but she is the ultimate anti-Trump candidate",
            "description": "Fate has swung wildly in her favour, with everything from the Democrat establishment to memes on her side. Will we finally see a Madam President, asks Guardian columnist Arwa Mahdawi",
            "content": "A week has always been a long time in politics, but this might have been the longest week in Kamala Harris’s life. While Joe Biden is still technically the US president, he already feels irrelevant. All eyes are on Harris now. The speed with which sh... [6260 chars]",
            "url": "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jul/26/kamala-harris-us-presidential-elections-donald-trump",
            "image": "https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/41a7286bdcb3dee517cd9b6a5fe9bddefd9e8efa/0_46_4063_2438/master/4063.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctb3BpbmlvbnMucG5n&enable=upscale&s=a1b1637d3876a515cc81726dbf1b8537",
            "publishedAt": "2024-07-26T15:38:00Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "The Guardian",
                "url": "https://www.theguardian.com"
