Flag of the United Kingdom

United Kingdom World News API

Get the live top world headlines from United Kingdom with our JSON API.

Get API key for the United Kingdom World News API

API Demonstration

This example demonstrates the HTTP request to make and the JSON response you will receive when you use the news api to get the top headlines from United Kingdom.

    "totalArticles": 111955,
    "articles": [
            "title": "Iran’s new president signals readiness to resume nuclear talks with west",
            "description": "Masoud Pezeshkian uses first press conference to deny sending missiles to Russia for Ukraine war",
            "content": "Print this page\nThe stories that matter on money and politics in the race for the White House\nIran’s reformist president, Masoud Pezeshkian, has signalled a renewed openness to resuming nuclear negotiations with western nations and denied that his co... [3673 chars]",
            "url": "https://www.ft.com/content/f4190308-f074-4fed-9db8-0dc4c5a2a053",
            "image": "https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2F__origami%2Fservice%2Fimage%2Fv2%2Fimages%2Fraw%2Fhttps%253A%252F%252Fd1e00ek4ebabms.cloudfront.net%252Fproduction%252Fcf125cb7-7e7b-4b80-935e-5c4afeb17f88.jpg%3Fsource%3Dnext-article%26fit%3Dscale-down%26quality%3Dhighest%26width%3D700%26dpr%3D1?source=next-opengraph&fit=scale-down&width=900",
            "publishedAt": "2024-09-16T17:46:58Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "Financial Times",
                "url": "https://www.ft.com"
            "title": "First image of Titan wreck on sea floor as tragic final message from sub revealed",
            "description": "The US Coast Guard is holding a long-awaited hearing on the deadly disaster",
            "content": "* FIRST NAME\n* LAST NAME\n* EMAIL Your email address\n* PASSWORD Must be at least 6 characters, include an upper and lower case character and a number Show\n* YEAR OF BIRTH You must be at least 18 years old to create an account 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 ... [927 chars]",
            "url": "https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/titan-sub-disaster-hearing-us-coast-guard-photo-wreck-final-message-titanic-b1182362.html",
            "image": "https://static.standard.co.uk/2024/09/16/17/45/Titan-sub-wreck-5klhpi81.jpeg?width=1200&auto=webp&quality=75",
            "publishedAt": "2024-09-16T17:18:28Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "Evening Standard",
                "url": "https://www.standard.co.uk"
            "title": "Mum-of-three air hostess 'died within minutes' of boarding plane in front of passengers",
            "description": "Gabriella Cario was already feeling unwell as she waited at the boarding gate on Saturday (September 14) afternoon - but she was keen to get home to her family.",
            "content": "Something went wrong, please try again later.\nInvalid email Something went wrong, please try again later.\nSign up for our daily newsletter to get the day's biggest stories sent direct to your inbox\nSomething went wrong, please try again later.\nSign u... [1686 chars]",
            "url": "https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/world-news/mum-three-air-hostess-died-29946958",
            "image": "https://i2-prod.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/world-news/article29946956.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/1_js345509015.jpg",
            "publishedAt": "2024-09-16T16:07:00Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "Manchester Evening News",
                "url": "https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk"
