United States Health News API
Get the live top health headlines from United States with our JSON API.
Get API key for the United States Health News APIAPI Demonstration
This example demonstrates the HTTP request to make and the JSON response you will receive when you use the news api to get the top headlines from United States.
{ "totalArticles": 50713, "articles": [ { "title": "Thinking About Menopause Hormone Therapy? Start Here.", "description": "Anxiety around the treatment persists, but so does recent enthusiasm. Here’s what experts want you to know.", "content": "At Dr. Monica Christmas’s clinic these days, she sees two kinds of menopausal patients. The first, she said, is suffering from the symptoms associated with this life phase, but is also wary of hormone therapy because she’s heard there are health risk... [623 chars]", "url": "https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/03/well/hormone-therapy-for-menopause-risks-and-benefits.html", "image": "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2025/03/11/well/03HRT-EXPLAINER/03HRT-EXPLAINER-facebookJumbo.jpg", "publishedAt": "2025-03-07T19:54:00Z", "source": { "name": "The New York Times", "url": "https://www.nytimes.com" } }, { "title": "The horrendous norovirus is hitting Florida hard. How to protect yourself.", "description": "“It’s a tough illness to have to deal with,” one ER physician says.", "content": "If your spouse, neighbor, coworker or child’s teacher has the stomach bug, beware. The highly contagious norovirus is rampant in South Florida.\nNorovirus has torn through the United States this winter, peaking early in some parts of the country but t... [5113 chars]", "url": "https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida/2025/03/06/norovirus-signs-symptoms-florida-cruises/", "image": "https://www.tampabay.com/resizer/v2/KQ77XPKL6NPEGR3LLOW36H5GAQ.jpg?auth=0fa12aa9513e821d7e5342d270f6cf1ed9131ada47d021bb829b1a6f7b0a4e31&height=675&width=1200&smart=true", "publishedAt": "2025-03-07T17:28:37Z", "source": { "name": "Tampa Bay Times", "url": "https://www.tampabay.com" } }, { "title": "This Medicine Cabinet Staple May Help Stop Cancer from Spreading", "description": "The anti-clotting effect of aspirin may trigger a biological chain of events that stops cancer cells from metastasizing, researchers say", "content": "Getty Stock image of a medicine cabinet.\nAspirin may help stop cancer from spreading — and scientists think they’ve figured out why.\nResearchers at the University of Cambridge found that aspirin may boost the immune system and stop cancer cells from ... [2318 chars]", "url": "https://www.aol.com/medicine-cabinet-staple-may-help-000026155.html", "image": "https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/G0CfaJAL8F7zZcgnYdFzRw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTEyMDA7aD04MDA-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/aol_people_articles_471/71556695ea57edc297d5a3d73637dd7b", "publishedAt": "2025-03-07T14:48:38Z", "source": { "name": "AOL", "url": "https://www.aol.com" } } ] }