United States Health News API
Get the live top health headlines from United States with our JSON API.
Get API key for the United States Health News APIAPI Demonstration
This example demonstrates the HTTP request to make and the JSON response you will receive when you use the news api to get the top headlines from United States.
{ "totalArticles": 48415, "articles": [ { "title": "Dark Chocolate May Reduce Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes", "description": "Research published this week reveals surprising information about potentially lowering your risk of the chronic condition.", "content": "LOADING ERROR LOADING\nNew research offers findings that might be a delightful treat for dark chocolate lovers.\nA British Medical Journal study published this week suggests that consuming dark chocolate ― more so than milk or white chocolate ― may be ... [3386 chars]", "url": "https://www.huffpost.com/entry/type-2-diabetes-risk-dark-chocolate_l_6751e090e4b0036b951dfc19", "image": "https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/6751e06c1900003e001dcbc0.jpg?cache=MkuAwuCplb&ops=1200_630", "publishedAt": "2024-12-05T23:38:53Z", "source": { "name": "HuffPost", "url": "https://www.huffpost.com" } }, { "title": "Reduce your cholesterol by up to 10% by adding daily snacks to your diet - ‘similar to statins’", "description": "Eating more of the right plant-based foods can significantly reduce bad cholesterol", "content": "Failing to address high cholesterol levels often results in patients requiring medical interventions later on.\nFortunately, certain foods can significantly aid in managing cholesterol levels when included in the diet.\nRegistered dietitian and nutriti... [1530 chars]", "url": "https://www.gbnews.com/health/how-to-lower-cholesterol-best-snacks", "image": "https://www.gbnews.com/media-library/fruits.jpg?id=55154783&width=1200&height=600&coordinates=0%2C100%2C0%2C100", "publishedAt": "2024-12-05T23:03:45Z", "source": { "name": "GB News", "url": "https://www.gbnews.com" } }, { "title": "Adult Neurogenesis Fuels Verbal Learning and Memory", "description": "Using brain tissue from epilepsy patients, researchers discovered a direct link between fewer immature brain cells and cognitive decline, particularly in verbal learning and memory.", "content": "Summary: Adult neurogenesis, the creation of new brain cells, supports verbal learning and memory. Using brain tissue from epilepsy patients, researchers discovered a direct link between fewer immature brain cells and cognitive decline, particularly ... [6969 chars]", "url": "https://neurosciencenews.com/neurogenesis-learning-memory-28190/", "image": "https://neurosciencenews.com/files/2024/12/neurogenesis-learning-memory-neurosicence.jpg", "publishedAt": "2024-12-05T21:24:01Z", "source": { "name": "Neuroscience News", "url": "https://neurosciencenews.com" } } ] }