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Ireland Business News API

Get the live top business headlines from Ireland with our JSON API.

Get API key for the Ireland Business News API

API Demonstration

This example demonstrates the HTTP request to make and the JSON response you will receive when you use the news api to get the top headlines from Ireland.

    "totalArticles": 29804,
    "articles": [
            "title": "Can I stop drone delivery companies flying over my property?",
            "description": "The legal landscape surrounding the use of drones is currently far from clear and many practical questions remain unanswered.",
            "content": "Analysis: The legal landscape surrounding the use of drones is currently far from clear and many practical questions remain unanswered.\nOnce only found in the realm of science fiction movies, drone delivery services are now an increasingly obvious pa... [6667 chars]",
            "url": "https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2025/0209/1481005-drone-delivery-companies-property-legal-rights-airspace/",
            "image": "https://img.rasset.ie/00215a6e-1600.jpg",
            "publishedAt": "2025-02-09T13:25:09Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "RTÉ News",
                "url": "https://www.rte.ie"
            "title": "American drug runners, police officer and rapist TV extra among the Greater Manchester criminals locked up",
            "description": "Jail terms are handed out to the worst offenders",
            "content": "Our community members are treated to special offers, promotions and adverts from us and our partners. You can check out at any time. More info\nA gang of drug smugglers, a police officer and a rapist former TV extra were among the criminals jailed thi... [11382 chars]",
            "url": "https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/american-drug-runners-police-officer-30957097",
            "image": "https://i2-prod.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/incoming/article30959462.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/0_locked-up-2.jpg",
            "publishedAt": "2025-02-09T10:43:00Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "Manchester Evening News",
                "url": "https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk"
            "title": "Dublin drinkers shun Guinness price hike as pub promotes €5 Beamish instead",
            "description": "The bar famously offered pints of Guinness for a fiver - not anymore",
            "content": "Our community members are treated to special offers, promotions and adverts from us and our partners. You can check out at any time. More info\nA Dublin pub is encouraging customers to shun Guinness and drink Beamish instead after the latest price hik... [2854 chars]",
            "url": "https://www.corkbeo.ie/news/local-news/dublin-drinkers-shun-guinness-price-30966072",
            "image": "https://i2-prod.corkbeo.ie/incoming/article22256076.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/0_collins-photos.jpg",
            "publishedAt": "2025-02-09T08:22:48Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "Cork Beo",
                "url": "https://www.corkbeo.ie"
