Your News API to Search for the Latest and Historical Worldwide News

A powerful REST News API to search for current and historical articles and get trending news in over 22 languages across 30 countries from 60,000+ sources.

A planet

Try GNews API

  "totalArticles": 0,
  "articles": []

* The search and results are in English only. To test other languages please refer to the documentation.

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Develop and test your applications for free. Once your application is ready for production, it only takes a few minutes to activate your subscription.

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We store the news articles in the database in order to have the lowest possible response time and an outstandingly accurate search.

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The documentation is extremely easy to understand so you don't have to worry about integrating the API into your applications.

A powerful tool for all your projects

Get access to multiple endpoints allowing you to retrieve the news that you need

Worldwide scale

The database contains tens of millions of articles that we have collected from over 60,000+ sources in 22 languages across 30 countries. You can filter articles by language, country or both. It is important to note that the country filter is applied on the country of the source and not on the country that might be the subject of an article. In other words, filtering by country allows you to know the media coverage for a country according to your search.

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News articles data

We use advanced extraction techniques to retrieve the different attributes that make up an article. Data quality is our number one concern and we do absolutely everything we can to ensure that it is always excellent.

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Response performance

The response time of the news API is essential to us, we do our best to keep it as short as possible. The average response time of the API is between 100 and 200 ms.

Easy integration

Get API results in JSON format via HTTP GET requests in any programming language and easily integrate them into your applications. To use the API it's as simple as this: you make a request, get the results, parse the JSON and the data is ready to be used. If you have difficulties integrating the API you can contact us through the chat or via email.

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Live news articles

We have created a system that runs continuously to retrieve any new article published on the sources we cover. As soon as a new article is found it is immediately added to the database and accessible through the API.

History Icon

Historic data

Articles stored in our database are never deleted, you can view the history of published articles stored over the years with our news API. You can, with the help of some filters, retrieve articles up to 3 years old.

Advanced Request Options

Design complex queries in a logical way using search operators. Specify the context of your query with 10 easy-to-use optional parameters.

Search operators

Perform advanced searches using search operators such as AND, OR and NOT to combine, separate and exclude keywords.

Features for subscribers

Retrieve full article content or use the paging feature with premium subscriptions starting at 49.99 EUR per month (see pricing).




Free plan's icon

For non-commercial projects or for development and testing purposes only

CORS enabled for all origins

100 requests per day

Up to 10 articles returned per request

Maximum of 1 request per second

Email support

Full article content and pagination



Essential plan's icon

For production and published commercial projects

CORS enabled for all origins

1000 requests per day

Up to 25 articles returned per request

Maximum of 4 requests per second

Email support

Full article content and pagination



Business plan's icon

For larger commercial projects that require more resources

CORS enabled for all origins

5000 requests per day

Up to 50 articles returned per request

Maximum of 6 requests per second

Email support

Full article content and pagination



Enterprise plan's icon

For enterprise projects that require exceptional resources

CORS enabled for all origins

25000 requests per day

Up to 100 articles returned per request

Maximum of 8 requests per second

Email support

Full article content and pagination

Custom plan

Missing something ?

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If you have some requirements that are not fulfilled by the other plans, you can contact us to discuss a custom plan that will suit your needs.

Get full access to the API

CORS enabled for all origins

Full article content and pagination

Email support

Customize your experience

Number of requests per day

Number of articles returned per request

Maximum number of request per second


You will find below the FAQ, if you do not find an answer to your question do not hesitate to contact us with the form below.

The support email address is contact[at]

You're entitled to a free 10-day trial, which you can start here: You can cancel your trial period at any time.

You can cancel your subscription at any time and at no extra cost from the "Plan & Billing" page ( Simply click on the "Cancel subscription" button in the "Subscription" section of the page and confirm.

For the parameter "from" and "to" the date must exactly respect the format Y-m-dTH:i:sZ (where Y is the year on 4 digits, m the month on two digits from 1 to 12, d the day on two digits, H the hour on 2 digits from 0 to 23, i the minutes on 2 digits from 0 to 59 and s the seconds on two digits from 0 to 59). For example this date is valid 2022-01-01T12:30:45Z but this one is not valid 2022-01-01T12:30:45.1000Z

Full article content is only available on paid subscriptions. For the API to return the full content, you need to append this to the query string of the request: &expand=content

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to filter the results with a list of sources.

GNews API can not be used in commercial projects with a free subscription. The free subscription plan is made for non-commercial projects or for development and testing purposes.

When you have reached the daily request limit you cannot retrieve any more data and the API returns an error message (Error 403). Note that the request counter is reset to zero every day at 00:00 UTC.

If you need a custom plan, please contact us by email: contact[at] or by using our contact form on our main page. Please note that no custom plan can be free and it is only possible to request higher features than the Essential plan.

When you change your subscription plan, your invoice is calculated so that you pay based on how many days you used the old subscription this month and how many days you have left with the new subscription. This means that you don't pay any additional fees, only what you use.

When a payment error occurs, Stripe will automatically try to make the payment 4 times over the following two weeks. If all attempts fail, your subscription will automatically be canceled and downgraded. You will receive reminders per email during the two weeks.

Contact us

Do you have a question?

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer you as soon as possible.